The statues were studded lavishly with precious stones, and in front of them were silver and gold butter lamps perpetually burning.
Traditionally, this lamp should be kept burning perpetually.
The family of five shares a three-bedroom apartment where three candles burn perpetually for Mr. Barbosa.
The Region normally burned perpetually.
When a new temple (church building) is consecrated the bishop kindles a flame in the sanctuary which traditionally should burn perpetually from that time forward.
He maintained that in this loathsome valley fires were kept burning perpetually to consume the filth and cadavers thrown into it.
It is lit by the bishop when the church is consecrated, and ideally it should burn perpetually thereafter.
Those fires are supposed to burn perpetually.
Scotty steered with sure hands, trying not to let himself be distracted by the awesome sight of the perpetually burning Calligarian homeworld.
A number of butter lit lamps are placed in the shrine, which burn perpetually over a full year and are then replaced to continue the flame without interruption.