Diaries are used when it is desirable to obtain frequent assessments over a period of time, for example when a condition fluctuates in severity.
TransferJet will adjust the data rate downward according to the wireless environment, thereby maintaining a robust link even when the surrounding wireless condition fluctuates.
Beethoven never experienced permanent deafness; his condition fluctuated between total silence and terrible tinnitus.
Over the next two centuries the condition of the castle fluctuated.
Nonetheless, I fall somewhere in between the 'substantial' or 'critical' levels as my condition fluctuates between the two.
While the conditions will fluctuate and change with time, they can be, on average, the same across the dimensions of the flake.
During that day Nefer's condition fluctuated between deep coma and bouts of restless sweating and delirious ravings.
Of course, current conditions will change and fluctuate.
Economic conditions have fluctuated with the changing fortunes of oil since 1985, for example, during and following the Gulf War of 1990-91.
We forget that conditions fluctuate, and we may not be able to anticipate when conditions will change.