It is difficult independently to determine the facts in the case because the Indonesian government bars journalistic access to Papua.
This, however, is difficult to determine in the case of quantum gravity, for two reasons.
You are advised to check your insurance policy to determine cover in the case of a strike.
To determine liability in the case decided today, the jury was asked two questions.
We can try to determine the reasons for immunity in the case of the carriers.
As already determined immediately above, in the case of 500 g alcohol, the molality is 16.66.
We therefore expect the Commission, where policy is determined at Community level, as in the case of agricultural policy, to provide a common regulatory framework.
The position concerning the application of national victim law to determine damages in the case of accidents causing bodily injury should also be supported.
A spokesman for the Los Angeles Police said the department was trying to determine its involvement in the case and had no comment.
That I had determined from the manual there in the case with the computer.