Because these deaths followed those of some crows, experts strongly doubt that the disease originated in the zoo.
In the 17th century, an infectious disease similar to English sweat originated from the region and spread across France.
Pathenogenesis is the process by which any disease originates and develops.
Evidence indicates to many experts that the disease originated before then in Africa, although this has not been proved.
It was then that he decided to go aboard the derelict himself, to look for a cure in the very place the disease had originated.
Addictive disease originates as a disease of the human spirit.
We may not know how a disease originates, but we study its symptoms.
It may give us a clue as to where the disease may actually have originated.
The disease originates on roots and later spreads to collar region.
It was also believed that all human disease and suffering originated from animal spirits, ghosts or witchcraft.