The author introduced it as a "complete, up-to-date, handy and easy-to-read" book.
The way to success in this business these days is in writing easy-to-read books, with short sentences, lots of slang and easy plots.
Despite all its horrors, this is still an easy-to-read book, since it is mostly written without hindsight, retaining the perspective of the adolescent Esther was then.
The challenge of writing an easy-to-read book, with its strict limits of length and vocabulary, is to tell a story that is simple but not ordinary.
There are excellent easy-to-read books available on the subject at your neighborhood bookstore.
The bottom line: This easy-to-read little book is full of worksheets to help you understand your relationship with food, and self-reflective exercises to improve it.
Unbounding the Future is an easy-to-read book that introduces the ideas of molecular nanotechnology in a not-too-technical way.
In 1967 The Kovels wrote Kovels' Know Your Antiques, an easy-to-read book for collectors filled with marks, dates, and helpful information.
Dr. Michael Sampson is a children's book author who is best known for his easy-to-read books that feature rhythmic and repetitive language.
The project, Big Brother Mouse, publishes colorful, easy-to-read books, then delivers them by holding book parties at rural schools.