Jiang Wei had used the tactic wrongly, because his forces at the river did not draw enough enemy attention to cause them to stay at the river.
He carried no other weapon, not even a knife, that might attract enemy attention.
Each operation served to divert enemy attention and keep the defender guessing about where the main effort, and main objective, lay.
So small a craft, so far away from Walton's bases, would not be detected: especially with enemy attention diverted by the raiding squadron.
Any attempt to signal is more likely to bring enemy attention than rescue.
Among its guns and missiles, the hyper-suit has unique features such as a claw-manipulator and the ability to cast a decoy suit, which attracts enemy attention.
Besides, the beachhead will help divert enemy attention away from Nyongch'on.
A transmitter could call enemy attention to the car whose best chance of survival would come from being ignored.
Vajra Guardian:Vajra Guardians are the ultimate in staying power and keeping enemy attention.
They can attract enemy attention and self destruct.