The cilia are lost, but the underlying infraciliature persists throughout the entire life-cycle.
For longer-term analysis that considers the entire life-cycle of a product, one therefore often prefers activity-based costing or throughput accounting.
In information security, data integrity means maintaining and assuring the accuracy and consistency of data over its entire life-cycle.
Others may come or go, but the entire life-cycle of many is lived within the confines of quite small areas.
I feel as if, by the time I retire, I shall have lived through the entire life-cycle of post-war higher education.
Specific techniques ensure that mistakes and errors are avoided across the entire life-cycle.
Therefore, the entire life-cycle can take 6 weeks for completion.
Equipment control begins with the receipt of a newly acquired equipment item and continues through the item's entire life-cycle.
PVC as a material needs to undergo a thorough assessment of its entire life-cycle.
Thirdly, we must adapt all our policies to take account of the use of natural resources based on the entire life-cycle.