Studying communicative ecologies: An ethnographic approach to information and communication technologies.
These terms are taken from the ethnographic approach of studying society.
This is known as an ethnographic, or field work, approach (cf Rose, 1982, Chapters 8 - 9).
Conceived as a set of 12 volumes, the second project took on an ethnographic approach.
Therefore an ethnographic approach is in evidence in the photographs, which present a static and stereotypical image of the figures they depict.
"We need to back away from the medical causes," she said, "and begin to take a much more ethnographic, anthropological approach to analyzing this tragic outcome."
They are among the seminal texts in the field of cultural studies and the ethnographic approach it has fostered toward art.
Bell used an ethnographic approach to explore the commonalities of Australian women's cultures across age, time, race and region.
Kingsbury has written of the role that personal change can play in the constituting of ethnographic approach.
Using an ethnographic approach can help anthropologists understand how that given culture views and categorizes their own foods, animal kingdom, medicines, as well as plants.