Wheat sales to countries targeted by the export program amounted to 18.6 million tons during the marketing year ended June 30, the Bush Administration said.
A review of Government documents, many of them classified, also provides strong evidence that the department's export programs have been plagued by abuses.
But Government records show that the agency made only one thorough examination of any major part of the export program.
It would make a world of difference in their own programs and, you're right, the export programs as well.
Some of his major accomplishments included a new $175 million public library, an export program for small businesses and a community-based general delivery system.
The most crucial example of this is trade policy, for access to markets in the industrialized world may be critical to a recipient country's export programme.
The country's main export program offers to cover up to 50 percent of an act's costs above the equivalent of $11,600.
The original guidelines called for the export program to be directed mainly at nations where European Community members were selling subsidized commodities.
Under the export program, rice farmers and exporters have been paid a subsidy of $3.60 for every 100-pound sack shipped overseas.
The twenty-third stall is especially vital to our export program.