For a calendar listing these events, plus several other faculty recitals, lectures and student ensemble concerts throughout the academic year, call the Wesleyan box office.
If the piano is more to your keyboard taste, you'll find two faculty recitals down the street in Sprague Memorial Hall.
Other events, to be presented free at the music school, include nine programs of student performances, a faculty recital and a jazz concert.
Or one can head back to the Hartt School for another faculty recital by the Emerson Quartet.
It ended what was mainly a first-half faculty recital and lifted the level of performance abruptly higher.
In addition to Fairfield's programs, Wesleyan University has scheduled two major cycles (as well as many other student and faculty recitals).
Dolin often performed his students compositions in faculty recitals or arranged public concerts exihibiting their work at the conservatory.
After performing together at a faculty recital, Heartwood invited Davidson to perform on her next solo album.
The soloist Boris Berman is familiar to audiences from many faculty recitals at Yale (203-776-1444).
The first, which opened with a faculty recital on Sunday evening and runs through Saturday, is the Mannes Beethoven Institute, now in its third year.