This expansive mandate encouraged Rockefeller and his associates to indulge far-reaching visions.
The old woman was their seer, and with her far-reaching vision she had inspired awe in Hawk as a young lad.
Albania is an inspired setting for "Lamerica," a film that proceeds matter-of-factly until it escalates to capture a far-reaching poetic vision of immigrant experience.
With a single drop of ink for a mirror, the Egyptian sorcerer undertook to reveal to any chance comer far-reaching visions of the past.
The Commissioners' Plan of 1811 imposed a surveyed grid upon all of Manhattan's varied terrain, in a far-reaching though perhaps topographically insensitive vision.
He envied the king of birds his reign over that illimitable space, his far-reaching vision, and his freedom.
The Langlands philosophy, Dr. Ribet said, "is a deep, far-reaching vision in mathematics."
While the far-reaching vision of the new Shiite leadership appears utopian, its demeanor frequently seems skeptical and wary.
President Bush has offered a far-reaching, moral vision for the future of the Middle East.
Sir Girija was known for his ethics, oratory, strong will and far-reaching vision.