Today's debates on federal farm legislation have to wrestle with that legacy and, perhaps, seize the chance to improve on it.
The administration's proposed farm legislation looks like a decent first step toward reducing subsidies and bringing American agricultural policy into line with our trade commitments.
"None of us knows where this farm legislation is going to end up," he said.
Revival of such farm legislation is on the agenda of important farming organizations.
The uncertainties of this year's farm legislation complicate the prospects for Congressional action on the Administration's plan.
Their Federal subsidies have been cut by 1990 farm legislation and by the deficit-cutting budget measure.
He offers input on farm legislation before the United States Congress.
The labeling requirement is due to take effect on Sept. 30 under farm legislation that was enacted in 2002.
The farm legislation just starting through Congress would reform many programs.
And she thinks that the farm legislation, while generally positive, may have less impact than many predict.