Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The island is floodable, completely covered with forest and without permanent population.
Do not free the river unless you have the enemy in a floodable region."
The Master Plan of the city described the area as "floodable".
The Nautilus uses floodable tanks in order to adjust buoyancy and so control its depth.
The two rear compartments (each containing a fuel tank, radiator and fans) were floodable.
The divers depart and reenter via a floodable escape hatch that's the size of a small room.
It is also known as the most extensive area of protected floodable forest (várzea) in the Amazon Rainforest.
Much of Deerhurst parish consists of islands or near islands, rising above this floodable land.
The stern floodable dock can accommodate three landing craft and the flight deck has three landing spots.
Its facilities include two firefighting training units and a floodable mock-up of ships compartments, known as "Counter-Sink".
This is called a 'floodable airlock' or an 'underwater airlock', and is used to prevent water from entering a submersible vessel or an underwater habitat.
The area is floodable, thickly forested, uninhabited (that is, without permanent population) and densely crisscrossed by the elongated bogs and slow streams.
A floating drydock is a type of pontoon for dry docking ships, possessing floodable buoyancy chambers and a "U"-shaped cross-section.
Murdock was last out, giving each man's gear a final check before he climbed the ladder into the narrow cylinder that was a floodable extension of the sub's pressure hull.
In 2012, major flooding occurred in Iquitos who alerted the population and affected coastal areas and several towns in the metropolitan area, which has a floodable, rainy geography.
The shroud, a cylinder of welded stainless steel plates stacked on top of one another, helps to keep the core aligned and provides a floodable container to circulate coolant.
This is one of the best places for wildlife spotting, is a RAMSAR site and the largest government-protected area in the floodable Amazon rainforest in South America.
Another plant that adapts to floodable lands is New Zealand flax (phormium tenax), which was industrialised as from 1925 and is used in containers, burlap, cords, threads, runners and mats.
The so-called "LHX" was a warship that was proposed in the late 1990s to replace the Tarawa-class ships, but with a dry deck for hovercraft rather than a floodable "well deck".
The General Plan foresaw cultivation of five hundred and fifty thousand flooded or floodable acres, with a return of five tons to the acre, semiannually, according to Ung's calculations, which proved correct.
It has been suggested that the reports either have the location wrong, or that the Colosseum originally featured a wide floodable channel down its central axis (which would later have been replaced by the hypogeum).
A frank and simple offer of the testing facility in return for a little friendly and neighbourly pressure on neutral Austria to let him keep his floodable old mine and build as he wishes to build above it?
Despite flood-control infrastructure built in the earlier transformation of the square during the 16th and 17th centuries, La Alameda remained as one of the most floodable areas of the city until the second half of the 20th century.
With the river beyond, the lakes were flanked by more water, a stream dammed to the right to form the long narrow Rice Mill Pond, and a levee extended to the left to enclose floodable rice fields.
In addition to such economic considerations, there would be other physical factors: people have usually avoided living on slopes that are very steep, difficult to build on and traverse; they have also avoided marshy or floodable areas (Fig. 52).