This gives us a venue to honor their sacrifices and achievements," Walsh said.
"I think this time the leadership is more inclined to give the issue a proper venue."
The theater's new mission - to give children a venue - was born.
Clearly if there is some culinary mountain out there, Americans want to climb it, giving a whole new venue to the notion of conspicuous consumption.
It was part of our job to encourage local artists-not financially, you understand, but by giving them a venue to exhibit their work.
So the same political considerations are simply given a new venue.
The wine bar gave hime a venue where he could showcase his pieces by painting live in front of the evening's guests.
With the town to serve as a seat of government, court proceedings could be given a dedicated, regular venue.
After the product names and characters had been established, advertising gave them a venue to speak directly to would-be consumers.
Producers Showcase gave new producers a venue to show their work.