The building's glistening glass and travertine shell has all of Mr. Meier's usual flourishes, from the expansive use of glass to obsessive grids.
"Brazil's Carnaval makes people feel uninhibited," Ricardo Amaral, a restaurant and nightclub empresario, said Monday night as he stood in a parade box, holding a glistening glass of cold beer.
There is also the church, 110-year-old All Saints Roman Catholic, looming over the Madison Avenue end of the block, its glistening stained glass a stark contrast to the broken windows in the abandoned building across the street.
A glistening glass of local wine, with a tasty little snack on the side - is there anything better?
Below the glistening glass the curves of the nightfighter rippled like some immense sculpture.
A few feet to his right, the sixty-inch screen was reflected in the glistening glass and David Boreanaz stalked broodingly, playing Angel, the tortured vampire with a soul.
Now there was a sprawling, rambling structure of stone and wood, of glistening glass.
Startled, she threw up her hands, bits of glistening glass embedded in her palm.
Its purpose, according to the artist, is "to tickle the viewer's spirit," but a room full of ineptly painted pinups, frosted plastic balls and glistening glass "spermies" squirming around a huge pink lamé mouth is more likely to turn the viewer's stomach.
Slowly there was being drawn from the pot a huge, tapering bulb of hot, glistening glass, its cross-section at the molten surface varying as Stevens changed the rate of draw or the volume of air blown through the pipe.