It employs just 35 people, 24 of them women, and a solitary person handles loans.
In earlier agreements banks were awarded fees for handling loans for the Government.
The Chinese government still lacks deep and wide vision about how to perform fund-raising to handle international loans at global levels.
In August 2007, the company announced that it was restructuring to reduce the size of its operation, but would continue to handle existing loans.
In some places the local utility companies are handling such loans.
Late last year, it opened an office at 575 Lexington Avenue to handle troubled loans.
But Manhattanites beware: the company does not handle loans on co-ops.
What we try to do is stabilize public programs and bring neighborhoods back to a point where they can handle conventional loans.
He said the firm's computers could handle loans and all other requests, except for a hardship withdrawal, which requires confirmation from the employer.
They handled deposits and short-term loans for individual farm families, villages, and cooperative organizations.