That effort failed and a helicopter collided with a cargo plane in the Iranian desert, killing eight men.
In June 1986, a plane and a helicopter collided over the park, killing 25 passengers.
The enemy was nowhere in sight, but eight men died anyway when a helicopter collided with a troop transport plane.
You used to be able to fly in the Canyon, until a helicopter and a sightseeing airplane collided.
On their way to Lebanon, 2 Israeli troop-transport helicopters collide, killing 73.
It happened two years ago, when a helicopter in which he was traveling collided with a plane at an airport north of Los Angeles.
While moving in for a closer look, the helicopter collided with the plane, causing both aircraft to lose control and crash.
The tail broke off, and the helicopter collided with a truck carrying ammunition, which actually saved it from sliding down a hill.
The helicopter collided with a hill under bad weather conditions.
In the evacuation, a helicopter collided with a C-130 transport plane.