He was most noted as the lead attorney in a series of landmark lawsuits against longstanding discriminatory practices.
And Polikoff, as the lead attorney in the case, should be the right person to tell it.
"There are important public policy implications to this decision," said Brian Clemow, the lead attorney for the state.
Weinglass was the lead appellate attorney for the Cuban Five from 2002 until his death in 2011.
They told him they wanted to fly the lead attorney and two assistants to London to meet him.
The lead attorney gets $125 an hour and the co-counsel gets $100 an hour.
Access to those files is restricted by use of a password known only to the lead attorneys on the case.
"Sounds kind of bad for your heart," Maureen said, giving the hospital's lead attorney a sidelong look.
"We'll be in touch," said his lead attorney, a tall, portly woman with a bad haircut.
However, Shirk stressed that his roll was to manage the office, not necessarily to be the lead attorney.