Furthermore they may be different ones from other bilateral or multilateral agencies, making a coordinated national conservation programme rather difficult.
As a consequence, for the past 10 years Yemen has relied heavily on aid from multilateral agencies to sustain its economy.
The civil war of 1994 further drained the economy, and in 1995 Yemen sought the aid of multilateral agencies.
Also with the help of the World Bank and other multilateral agencies Morocco has succeeded to improve the basic education system.
In the past, individual lenders offered debt relief, but not the multilateral agencies.
Projects financed by multilateral agencies, such as the World Bank, were and are far from immune from this process.
In a career spanning over 40 years, he has worked with the Government, international multilateral agencies and the corporate sector (both public and private).
"The multilateral agencies, the banks, and the governments all miscalculated," he said.
A few government and multilateral agencies have given most aid.
Money from multilateral agencies is also in short supply.