I concede your remarks about the respect given to the Scribner imprint, the respect in which she is held, and the fact that she is narrowly limited by a heavily censorship-ridden market.
But the right of publicity is narrowly limited to commercial exploitation.
As commentator Erwin Chemerinsky states, the bad-faith prosecution exception seems narrowly limited to facts like those in Dombrowski.
The discussion is not narrowly limited to astronomical topics, but ranges over much of contemporary science.
According to Mr. Doernberg, Judge Bork sees the First Amendment's free speech protections as narrowly limited to political speech.
The stances of both grammar types (dependency and constituency grammars) is not narrowly limited to the traditional views.
Although nuts-and-bolts business advice was available in abundance, so were role models from many walks of life, not narrowly limited to business and industry.
Other serials, periodicals and journals produced by scientific, artistic, academic or special interest publishers are often subscription-only, much more expensive, narrowly limited in circulation, and have little or no advertising.
The form of his Chronicle is annalist but not narrowly limited to each single year.
Here, the implied consent was narrowly limited to proceedings related to accidents on highways in which the non-resident is involved.