The chmod command also accepts three and four-digit octal numbers representing modes.
Each cluster of three permission bits can be represented by an octal number: 000 through 111 in binary, which is 0 through 7 in decimal.
Scan an integer as an octal number.
Binary, quaternary (base-4) and octal numbers can be specified similarly.
When read as decimal numbers, using octal numbers causess a deterministic "version bump" each eight releases.
An interesting feature of the language is its use of octal numbers.
Squawk codes are four-digit octal numbers; the dials on a transponder read from zero to seven, inclusive.
It is stored as a six digit octal number with leading zeroes followed by a NUL and then a space.
What he learned initially was fast mental translation of octal numbers to decimal.
It can display numbers in hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary, and convert numbers from one base to another.