Tosig thought as the pain in his stomach gnawed and the silence stretched on.
Something was clinging to him in heavy coils, and a pain gnawed at his heart, but he was too stunned ut what surrounded him to heed it just then.
But pain still gnaws at Omagh, a gentle country town about 60 miles west of Belfast where it is increasingly apparent that no one will ever be charged.
It was dark and he lay on something hard and a searing pain gnawed at his right side.
And then, he clutched his elbows and bent over his crossed arms, rocking slightly as if some terrible pain gnawed at his vitals.
And the pain of her absence gnawed at him.
But still"-his face was suddenly convulsed; he grimaced as if some inner pain gnawed at him-"but still they are ruled, they do not rule!
Her lean face, with its well-shaped pale lips, broke into the freshest and most robust smile, as if neglect and pain had never gnawed at her.
Breathing hard with fear, Finder reached up to pinch the second orchid away between his fingernails, but at that moment, a pain gnawed at his stomach.
The pain of being sealed in the cell for so long, unable to stand or move about it gnawed at her.