Or I could toss the parenting books out the window and do things my way.
I've even bought a book on the pointlessness of parenting books.
Here is the conundrum: by the time most people pick up a parenting book, it is far too late.
I page through assorted parenting books, to no avail.
Some experts still write general parenting books, sort of all-purpose manuals.
Mumsnet has published several parenting books, based largely on the advice posted by the site's users since its launch in June 2000.
This premise has been touted by child psychologists and other how-to authors of parenting books.
How parenting books and magazines only give advice to parents of small children.
Harried moms, make time for one more thing: a new book club to discuss parenting books.
He has written a parenting book called Superpowers for parents.