The result was the publication of this intriguing posthumous book, which consists of an unfinished novel and 16 short stories.
A posthumous book of his last short writings has appeared (see below).
The handsomely designed jacket of Artists & Enemies includes the announcement that this is his first posthumous book.
His posthumous book is a distillation of his non-fiction writing over nearly six decades.
How should an unfinished, posthumous book be published?
Then some posthumous book with that title did come out, and it was a great disappointment.
A final posthumous book is expected in 2010.
With publishers looking at every possible opportunity to fatten their bottom lines, posthumous books can be very valuable properties.
Paul Rehak later published an article with this proposal, confirmed in a chapter of his posthumous book.
This was collated in his posthumous book on the same subject.