It also provides leeway should the proposed separation of the Pelagornithidae into several families turn out to be appropriate.
Instead she provided enough leeway that Mueller was able to stop herself from actually banging into M'Ress.
That process provides more leeway to consider a business's reputation and factors beyond price.
Mr. Gaines said that in the Government "we do not feel there is a problem with the regulations" because "they provide broad leeway."
"The relevant statutes provide great leeway for boards to run their meetings as they see fit," Mr. Troup said.
Privately, a number of elected officials said that while Mrs. Whitman's agreement was not likely to survive intact, it provided enough leeway to allow compromise.
Including it under the domestic cap would leave less money for domestic programs and provide leeway for military programs.
- provide great leeway for companies in reporting the liabilities associated with the plans.
A frequent complaint voiced at such times is that school curriculums are too rigid and don't provide enough leeway to talk about their favorite topic.
However, we must ensure that when it comes to implementation, we genuinely create a level playing field but provide leeway for regional exemptions at the same time.