While they do not cause physical addiction, some of them may still lead to psychological dependency.
This shorter, more intense high can lead to a dependency, both physical and psychological, developing more quickly than with other methods of taking drugs.
An addiction is a physical or psychological dependency that influences the life of that person negatively.
When tobacco is smoked, nicotine causes physical and psychological dependency.
His complex practical and psychological dependency on the Jew, a rewarding topic, goes unnoticed.
One, at the Columbia University, reported that a psychological dependency on marijuana might develop among users.
For example, an alternative use of the term habituation involving psychological dependency on drugs is included in several online dictionaries.
He said he believed that cocaine abuse, with its strong element of psychological dependency, added to this denial problem.
Cocaine dependence (or addiction) is psychological dependency on the regular use of cocaine.
Frequent or regular use of a substance can quickly lead to physical or psychological dependence-or dependency may have already developed.