"Alien infectors sound exciting," a fifth grader said at a focus group in New York City.
Justice Kupferman said in New York City the situation was "quite different because you never see the policeman again."
"I'm not talking about sins and morality," he said in New York City.
She said that of the 600 elementary schools in New York City, only 22 employed librarians.
"I was born," he says, at one point, "in New York City."
"David has lived a lot and seen much of the world," he said from his home in New York City.
Meantime, as they say in New York City, "Fuggedaboutit! "
Same could be said of labor negotiations in New York City, where the mayor has been rather distracted lately.
The man said, 'a hospital in New York City.'
It is closing, and its problems say much about the state of health care in New York City.