The complex arrangements, that mix classical and ethnical influences with death and gothic metal, produce an unusual and unique blending.
Video in particular, he believes, represents many aspects of enrichment as a unique blending of technical, commercial and cultural elements, with the latter as the driving force.
The Paint Mines Interpretive Park is "a unique blending of geological, archaeological, historical and ecological resources."
On the front facade, which is flanked by two watchtower belfries, one can see the unique blending of Spanish and native influences.
In accord with Williams' philosophy, the College offered a unique blending of practical and theoretical academics.
A Midsummer Night's Dream offers a unique blending of styles, characters, and realms of experience into a unified work of art.
The health centre-including a hospital, long term care facility, community services, and patient hostel-is characterized by its unique blending of mainstream and traditional Aboriginal care.
Ultimately, however, Dungeons & Dragons represents a unique blending of these elements.
They are enhanced by a unique blending and contrast of layer planes presenting viewers with a variety of perceptions from different positions and perspectives.
Beginning in the 1980s, Les Rita Mitsouko became very popular throughout Europe with their unique blending of punk, new wave, dance and cabaret elements.