But, for some unexplained reason, it also had a deeper, more unsettling effect.
His mouth is also disproportionately large, creating an unsettling effect.
Too late, she remembered the unsettling effect such comments would have on Johnny.
Really, I don't know what it is about your family, but they do seem to have the most unsettling effect on you.
Such tones, he knew, had an unsettling effect on humans.
The artificially drawn border had an unsettling effect on both sides of the population.
This girl's presence was having the most unsettling effect on him.
Even in the simple, rather prim dress, she still had an unsettling effect on Will.
He'd been back again the following weekend, and he had had just the same unsettling effect on her.
It was the unsettling effect he had on her, making her question everything she'd always taken for granted.