Many retailers in those areas said they had to shut down on what is historically the most profitable period during the vacation season.
The third week in June brings not only the summer solstice but also the start of the year's heaviest vacation season.
June not yet being vacation season, they were still fairly deserted.
A juried show of work by 24 artists celebrating the vacation season.
So the lobbyists are girding for battle, even in vacation season.
The opening coincides with the early stages of grape growing and the vacation season.
It appeared to be weaker in the United States, where the vacation season is spread over a longer period, the researchers found.
Its presence has extended the local vacation season from the traditional three summer months to six months or more, brokers say.
On top of that, I had to fill in at my husband's office during the hectic vacation season.
What is surprising me is we're seeing this after the vacation season.