The formation slowed itself to its wounded member.
The following day he was awarded the Military Cross for rescuing a wounded member of his platoon while under heavy fire near Escoville.
After turning the other wounded members of the group over to a rescue party, Mavra and Asam travel further into Gedemondas.
"When a tribe of people have a wounded member, of course they are all gathering to the scene and taking care of our wounded member," she said.
The pack shuns the wounded member.
The group with the least amount of wounded members will be declared winner of the event.
Her medical officers also worked overtime aiding sick and wounded members of the U.N. Forces.
And the Shumways are portrayed as a good, strong, believable family, a tight-knit group whose wounded members work diligently at healing.
His muzzles had been dripping blood; he'd been working for hours to save wounded members of whole packs.
They have a wounded member who can't go to warp, and they're staying to try to protect it.