"And I suppose you just happened, by some strange coincidence, to be around at that particular moment!"
By a strange coincidence it was also Planet 3 of this particular system.
What a strange coincidence that she should meet him at the Academy!
It was a strange coincidence that the two were up for sale in the same season.
Nothing is talked about here today except the strange coincidence.
On top of that there had been a strange coincidence.
It just seems another strange coincidence to have happened at this time.
It may have been nothing more than a strange coincidence.
"It would be a strange coincidence if the two events were not connected."
"By some strange coincidence, the ones who had been giving the orders."
Rather an odd coincidence that she should run into him twice in a day.
When you put it that way, it's an odd coincidence.
But that could soon end by virtue of an odd coincidence.
And by some odd coincidence, his hand did not stray again.
An odd coincidence, but I have friends in both places.
Ten to one it's got nothing to do with the case, but it just struck me as an odd coincidence.
By an odd coincidence, each of these distinguished figures was a power in the Republican party.
An odd coincidence, and a long one, but not impossible.
Kind of an odd coincidence, but that's how the scheduling worked out.
"Is it only an odd coincidence that Set was the god of storm and chaos?"